BRICKS BERLIN SCHÖNEBERG total of 128 new apartments, 107 on the Hauptstrasse and 21 on the Belzigerstrasse, along with 35 commercial units for offices, retail and restaurants, as well as a primary school, spaces for the university, a taekwondo school and Kabbalah Centre. The Kabbalah Centre was completed in 2015 and occupies a 7.5m-high space on the third floor that originally served as a telegraph switching exchange. GRAFT’s concept translates one of the central ideas of the teaching of Kabbalah – gradual perception as spatial development along a path – and interconnects all the space from the entrance up to a flexible lecture hall and a generous staircase to a second level that appears to float freely inside the hall. A giant mirror on the rear wall, visually extends the space, the reflected rhythm of the arches causing the space to appear twice as deep.

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